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ABOUT U3A Malvern

U3A Malvern New Zealand meeting

Is it right for me?

There are no exams, no educational requirements and no compulsory activities. Costs are minimal to suit everyone, and meetings are held during the daytime.

U3A’s are voluntary, non-profit organisations which are non-sectarian and non-political. There is no central governing body; each group sets up its own organisation and programmes, run by volunteers from among the group’s members. Groups fund themselves; arrange speakers for the regular meetings, often drawing on their own members to share their specific experiences and talents. There are no advantages, either material or financial, for those who volunteer their services.

Read the U3A guiding principles here.


Encouraging positive ageing

U3A is an international learning co-operative for retired or semi-retired people. It is a voluntary organisation which provides opportunities to share educational, creative and leisure activities aimed at encouraging positive ageing, as well as providing fulfilment and personal enrichment.

The goal of Malvern is to encourage healthy ageing by providing activities that stimulate and satisfy in an informal friendly atmosphere. We have over 80 members from many different backgrounds who come together to learn and socialise by:

  • Listening and learning from speakers on a wide range of topics at our monthly meetings. Our speakers are always happy to close with a Q&A session.

  • Taking the occasional local excursion to Mid Canterbury landmarks that are of historical and cultural significance.

  • Joining and creating interest groups where knowledge, on whatever subject interests and excites you, can be shared.


New Members

We welcome new members at any time. Members pay an annual fee (see Subscription page for details).

We also have a mailing list of interested people. Many of these are not members but attend meetings by giving a koha of a gold coin.

If you are interested in becoming a member or going on the mailing list please contact via our online contact or emailing us on

When and where we meet

At U3A Malvern we have monthly meetings from February to November on the 2nd Friday.

These events are shown on the website calendar page.

Meetings commence with coffee and a chat at 10am, then an address from the President at 10:15, with the day’s lecture from 10:20 for around one hour.

Currently we meet at the Darfield Baptist Church at 15 Greendale Road, Darfield.

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